January: An AWESOME New Year’s Eve out in NYC.
Depression, thought about quitting GSV, therapy.
Grad school applications.
February: Retreat in Wikitunk, Super Bowl party.
Recovery from depression.
Birthday fun.
March: Miami.
Accepted to McGill and Hunter.
Community silliness.
April: McGill visit.
Scranton weekend.
Discovered Rachel Lloyd / GEMS.
May: Resumed exploring NYC.
Silent retreat.
Charles got fired.
Annie moved to LA.
Becoming comfortable with “God.”
Signed up for French lessons.
June: Killer heat wave.
Sarah’s wedding.
Anxiety about next year.
TCI training.
Jess’ cabin.
July: Alaska.
Deep thoughts about leaving GSV/NYC.
Gay marriage legalized in New York State.
Last day at Marian Hall.
Going away parties.
August: Surf lessons in VA.
Going away party for Paraguayans.
Canadian visa approved.
More McGill anxiety.
New GSV orientation, saying goodbye to my former roommates
(and crying til Brooklyn).
(and crying til Brooklyn).
September: Car broken into.
Lack-of-internship anxiety.
Exploring Montréal.
Cultural and language struggles.
October: Midterms.
New friends.
Started interning at IBCR.
Homesick for GSV and NYC.
November: Overworked with classes and internship. Dissatisfied with the organizational culture at
my internship.
Planning my research of commercially sexually exploited youth in the justice system. Getting really excited and motivated by the awesomeness of McGill.
Making friends at my internship.
December: Offered research opportunity within Montréal from McGill.
Continuing to plan my own research project in NYC and Montréal.
The Nutcracker.
Awesome holiday work party.
Invited to Italy for work conference.
Parents got rid of one of the dogs for fighting too much.
Christmas home.
Agenda for 2012: Graduate, get a job, start paying off student debt. No sweat.
Agenda for 2012: Graduate, get a job, start paying off student debt. No sweat.