Saturday, January 14, 2012


i just wrote this to (possibly) be included in the next GSV newsletter. I must admit, I have a pretty cool life :)

After completing her GSV year in August, Madeline moved to Montréal, Québec, to earn her Masters degree in social work from McGill University. This summer she plans to complete a practical thesis project based in New York City. She will be meeting with various non-profit and governmental organizations to complete a needs-assessment addressing services for commercially sexually exploited youth throughout the city. This research, along with her other work surrounding child sexual abuse, were heavily influenced by her experiences in working with the residents at Marian Hall. Currently, Madeline is also an intern at IBCR (International Bureau for Children's Rights) in Montréal where she is completing a comprehensive review of child protection training materials for military forces prepairing for deployment as UN peacekeepers (or "Blue Helmets") around the world. She will be traveling to Italy this March to present her work at a UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations conference. She looks forward to graduating in August and returning to New York to begin her career.


  1. dannnggg. you are so cool. I feel the need to shot out 'i know her! i know her!'
    let me know when you are in NYC next!

  2. um. wow. Madeline is pretty awesome. :)

  3. damn girl. again. ditto ditto ditto to kylie and marianne!! you're going to italy!!!
